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Set of 2 necklaces - Amazonite Necklaces

Set of 2 necklaces - Amazonite Necklaces


Amazonite - for emotional healing & spiritual growth


Amazonite has been worshiped for centuries for its profound spiritual and healing properties. When worn as a necklace, it acts as a protective shield against negative energies, helping to purify your mind and spirit. It encourages you to speak your truth with confidence, fostering open and honest communication in your relationships.


Amazonite is known for its connection to the heart and throat chakras, making it a powerful tool for facilitating communication, emotional healing, and spiritual growth. The natural variations in each stone ensure that your Amazonite Necklace is truly one-of-a-kind - unqiue like each one of us. 


The set comes with 2 necklaces. 2 pendants unique in its shape and turquoise color and two 45 cm 925 Silver necklaces and eco-friendly gift boxes.


The perfect gift for someone very special. 


Please note that all our crystals are ethically sourced and are obtained from a family company in Brazil. We support quality over quantity and hand-pick what speaks to us before ordering the crystals.
Before delivery we smudge the crystal with Palo Santo - so it's ready for its new owner to be used. :-)


Each crystal comes with a description of its properties.


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