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Smoky Quartz Tumbled Crystal

Smoky Quartz Tumbled Crystal


For Balance 


Our Smoky Quartz Tumbled Crystal is the perfect addition to any crystal collection. This crystal is known for its ability to bring balance and harmony to the mind, body, and spirit.


Its unique smoky hue is created by natural radiation and is a sign of its powerful healing properties.


Measuring at approximately 3,5-4,5 cm in size, small enough to fit in your pocket or purse, making it easy to access their balancing properties whenever you need them or placing on a bedside/meditation altar to work with.


Allow the energy of Smoky Quartz to transform negative energy into positive, promoting overall well-being.


Please note that all our crystals are ethically sourced and are obtained from a family company in Brazil. We support quality over quantity and hand-pick what speaks to us before ordering the crystals. 


Our Smoky Quartz Crystals are high-grade and see through.


Before delivery we smudge the crystal with Palo Santo - so it's ready for its new owner to be used.


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